
Rhove creates and funds Rhino conservation projects on a global level that will make a difference in the Rhinos future. Rhove gives a portion of all proceeds to fund our projects - please visit our project tab over the years and how we have made a difference and how you can help.

Our mission is always focused on the rhino and bringing awareness to this beautiful animalRhove was started with a passion for love of the rhino and what everyday people can do from the comfort of their home to make a difference across continents less traveled to accomplish more lofty goals for the rhino.

Sustainable products with a passion and focused purpose on the Rhino. We created products where you feel like you are always connected to the rhino and Africa and the wild. Our products are always organic, made with eco-friendly packaging, and we support small businesses both domestic and international


Rhove’s founder Nina Kubicek was born and raised in South Africa and her love and affection for the rhino all started in South Africa when she was 8 years old and bottle fed a baby rhino orphan whos mother had been killed by poachers. Since then, Nina brings all her treasured childhood African memories to each project and product created for the Rhino. Each product is designed to bring the love for the Rhino and Africa into the homes of families that love this majestic soul and the beautiful land it lives in. Always designing with the purest of organic materials and ingredients that are safe for the planet and us. We hope that this love and passion will be felt by you too. Thank you for being a part of our Rhino Family. Forever Rhino + Love = RHOVE

When Rhove was founded we asked ourselves what was the core problem/issue facing the extinction of the rhino? The core of the problem is there are cultures that believe that consuming the rhino horn will bring them healing and health benefits. We know from science that this is not true, so how can we change this belief system? We have to be honest and realize that some of the older generations might be more reluctant to change their viewpoint on the rhino horn but we believe that the new generation is where we can make the biggest impact. How can we make this impact? We believe through educational projects, outreach programs to youth and always instilling what our famous slogan stands for: RHINO +LOVE = RHOVE.
Learn more about the rhino crisis

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